The Unseen Photo Fair

by Female Abroad

Amsterdam accommodations are always buzzing with adventurous travellers visiting to explore the vibrant cultural heritage of a city that appeals across the generations. No lover of art and culture should pass up the opportunity to spend some quality time in the capital of The Netherlands.

What is the Unseen Photo Fair?

Although the city hosts a plethora of cultural events each year, the Unseen Photo Fair stands out as one of the most cutting-edge and thrilling. Despite the fact that we are surrounded by photographs in almost every aspect of our everyday lives, the fair showcases innovative and perhaps odd ways to use photography for art.

The various, art- and culture-loving visitors to Amsterdam will be drawn to the artists who have created some of the most remarkable displays in the fair's history.

Gábor Gerhes

Gerhes' artwork serves as a sobering reminder of how prevalent hatred, dominance, and slavery are in human civilization. Brutal black-and-white images emphasise the different ways that control through power is portrayed, from faceless "suits" looking you down to captives paraded as commodities for sale. Because of this, the images in this exhibition are unsettling in a certain way, reminding us of the various ways that oppression takes shape in our environment.

Zhe Chen

Photographs by Zhe Chen address the subject of personal pains as well as pains of an evolving generation by revealing the artist's own self-harming experiences. Due to the hauntingly beautiful visuals displayed, her photographs at first appear to glorify self-harm; however, a closer examination of the photography reveals the arduous battle of a person going through despair. When you add in the reality that Chen's nation of origin often and occasionally violently suppresses subversive work, her suffering is even simpler to comprehend.

Santeri Tuori

Since the beginning of time, nature has been a favourite subject for artists, especially when one takes into account the countless emotions that can be connected to the varied natural settings. Through his photographs, particularly those that feature captivating vistas of clouds, Tuori manages to convey that spirit. The contrast between light and dark in these pictures of clouds inspires faith that we can find brightness in even the darkest parts of our lives. This message has shown to be very well received by event attendees.

Matthew Murray

Male strippers in Murray's deceptively straightforward images would seem more appropriate for magazine covers than an art gallery. When you look closer, though, the images start to come to life as discomfort and seduction collide. There is no doubting the strong attractiveness of the pieces displayed by Murray, despite the viewer's moral preferences clouding their perception of the images.

One of the most well-liked events in the Dutch capital is the Unseen Photo Fair, which is rising in popularity. The unique and arresting photos created by photographers from all around the world pique the interest of the independent and daring traveller. This event shouldn't be missed if you're staying in one of Amsterdam's hostels at the time it's scheduled.